Mother 3 Website Updated!

Posted on February 7th, 2006 by Ilium Willis

mother3.gifEarly this morning (or last night in whacky Japan time), the Mother 3 website was updated with a mysterious gift box. Inside was a message stating that the website would be opened tommorow. Fast foward roughly 12 hours later and what we have is yet another chapter in what is perhaps the longest running cocktease ever.

There isn’t a single screenshot of the game to be found (with the release less than three months away), but the site now contains 16 gift boxes. Two are unwrapped so far, and another box will be unwrapped each week until the game’s release. The first is a rather strange message that roughly translates to “Strange, Fun. And…Painful”, while the second contains an mp3 of the game’s new theme song, further proving this won’t just be a downport of the Nintendo 64 version. As for what the page’s title, “Hobo First Itoi Newspaper” means, that’s a question best left for men greater than myself to contemplate.


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