Spotlight: Taro’s Quest

After several months of virtual inactivity towards the outside world, there is a new article here at Lost Levels for your reading enjoyment. Jonathan Wirth, the man who has previously brought you the expose on Nintendo’s Earthbound, now presents you with a glimpse into the world of unrleased Jajamaru games.
Behold, and rejoice, for now you shall bask in the goodness of Jaleco’s unreleased Jajamaru role playing game. Read on and enjoy Spotlight: Taro’s Quest.. a little late for the gift-oriented holidays, but just in time to ring in the new year.
Super Basketball for the Master System

Omar Cornut of SMS Power! has uploaded a ROM dump for a rolling CES demo of Super Basketball, an unreleased game for the Sega Master System. Actually, he did this almost two months ago, but we’ve been out of the loop lately. The demo cycles between two static screens, with original music, and is not playable in any way.
Cornut was also the man responsible for bringing another unreleased Master System basketball game, Pat Riley Basketball, to the internet, so go check that out too while you’re there.