Playing News Catch-up

The staff here at Lost Levels isn’t as lazy as you might believe. Well, okay, so we really are that lazy, but that doesn’t mean that we haven’t been doing anything during the past few months.
In August, Frank Cifaldi showed us a different approach to unreleased video games with Spotlight: Secret Ties. Actually, I’m not sure exactly what the article is talking about, but it does find some redeeming qualities such as mentioning other unreleased video games, a reference to Duke Togo, and even a small amount of 8-bit cleavage. It’s fun for the whole family.
Also, Lost Levels is proud to bring you the following Feature: EarthBound Timeline, presented by yours truly. This timeline was written as a point of reference to help clarify some of the facts from the Spotlight: EarthBound article, so hopefully it will be of some help to us all. Two months later.
Procrastinating is Fun! … when I feel like it.

Okay folks, this issue of Lost Levels Online magazine is still undergoing some finishing touches and will have to be pushed back just a little longer. But don’t blame us, blame the service.. I told them we needed those chili cheese fries.
In the meantime, we’ve set up some Forums for discussion of the articles appearing on this site and in the print magazine, “Lost Treasures” that you may have heard about or seen somewhere over the years, and gaming in general. We’ve even got a forum for off topic discussions such as Haiku Battle, cheese fries, and Super Chili Cheese Fry Haiku Battle, amongst other things.
The second issue of Lost Levels Online will be debuting shortly, so remember to check back here often.