Block Out for the NES
In which the guys who made Double Dragon and River City Ransom almost published a 3D puzzle game.
Hard Drivin' for the NES
A Q&A with the author of Tengen's surprisingly impressive attempt at putting the 3D racer on the underpowered NES.
Spotlight: Bio Force Ape
The legendary lost game from Seta has finally been found! But is this the end of Lost Levels?!
Spotlight: Star Trek V
It should come as no surprise that the worst Star Trek movie would have made the worst Star Trek game.
Review: Colors
In this exclusive Lost Levels review, we take a thorough, introspective look at Colors, the GTA-alike that would have
saved the Gizmondo. SPECIAL BONUS: Sodomy inside!
Elusions: Thunder Force VI
A brief retrospective of the butt-rockingest series of shooters that ever was, and the Dreamcast sequel that wasn't.
Spotlight: Pescatore
A glitchy puzzle game with multi-colored seafood that bears more than a striking similarity to PuyoPuyo? Not very fresh.
Elusions: Final Fantasy 64
Is it possible that yet another title from
this popular series has eluded fans for over a decade?
Spotlight: Bashi Bazook
We promise this is the last unreleased Jaleco game
we'll ever talk about. Maybe.